What to Expect

At Be Well Chiropractic, we are committed to helping your babies, children, tweens, teens & grown ups adapt to everyday stressors with neurologically-based chiropractic care. To ensure you get the best results possible, we take special care during your first two appointments to find out about your health history, health goals and how your nervous system is functioning, before we begin with your chiropractic care. This gives us measurable information to monitor your progress and results. We look forward to helping your family grow up well.

Your First Appointment

Your first appointment will give us an opportunity to connect with you and listen to your concerns, needs, and aspirations for your health & life. We ask that you provide information about you, your life, and the experiences that have contributed to where you are at this moment.

After going over your paperwork, we will assess the function and balance of your neuro-spinal system. Our state-of-the-art technology helps us assess the spine and nervous system and how it is functioning. After your scan, you will have a comprehensive structural analysis. This allows us to see what structural compensation your body might be making to adapt to the stress on your nervous system.

The information gathered from your history and neuro-spinal analysis will not only allow for us to see if we can help you reach your desired goals, but will also tell us if you are a good candidate for the chiropractic care that we provide in our office.

Plan to spend about 30 minutes to allow ample time for us to be thorough and connect with you.

Dr. Lauren Brettingen at Be Well Chiropractic is designed to help pregnant moms, kids and adults grow up well.  A family chiropractic office serving Chanhasen, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka and the surrounding West Suburbs. We help

Your Second Appointment

By the time we see you for your second visit to the office, Dr. Lauren will have had plenty of time to go through your initial history and scans. She will explain in great detail what neurologically-based chiropractic care is. Then the exciting part- going through your scans! Our doctor will be sure you understand how to interpret these scans and what the results of each mean to your health. We will determine if we can help as well as how long it will take for us to reach the goals you've set out to achieve. All of your questions will be answered and your concerns will be heard.

Please note that this appointment can take anywhere from 35 to 45 minutes.

After getting the details ironed out, the magic will happen- you'll get adjusted.

Help your family grow up well. Book your first appointment online today!

*Sensory concerns?

If you're a parent to a child with sensory challenges or neuro-developmental delays, we recognize that going into busy, public spaces can be very tough for your kiddos at times. We gladly offer special accommodations in these cases and provide a specific sensory-based assessment for your child. Please let us know before your first visit how we can best serve you and your family. Phone consultations, split office appointment times, or blocked off hours for an in-office examination are just a few of the accommodations that we are happy to provide to make your child feel more at home. Take a breath, moms and dads, we've got you!

Dr. Lauren Brettingen at Be Well Chiropractic is designed to help pregnant moms, kids and adults grow up well.  A family chiropractic office serving Chanhasen, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka and the surrounding West Suburbs. We help

Who We Serve

If you’re seeking a natural approach to many common health concerns that kids and grown ups experience, we’d love to help your body heal and adapt so you can be well through all of life’s stages and changes.

Some of the most common health concerns we see results from in our clinic include:


  • anxiety

  • bed wetting

  • breastfeeding & bottle feeding issues

  • colic

  • constipation

  • ear infections

  • learning challenges

  • pelvic pain in pregnancy

  • postpartum depression and anxiety

  • round ligament pain

  • sleep difficulties

  • sensory processing

We’d love to help your family grow up well. Book an appointment online today or give us a call to talk with one of our amazing team members more about the care we offer at Be Well Chiropractic.