
Help your child adapt to everyday stressors as they learn, grow & develop.

The world is placing a lot of demand on our growing kids. They have to grow up faster, learn more complex material, and excel in their extracurricular activities. At Be Well Chiropractic, we take a moment to stop the whirlwind and honor what gives kids the ability to do all that they do, their nervous system. Dr. Lauren Brettingen is a pediatric and prenatal chiropractor who knows how to assess where stress is stuck in your child’s nervous system. A safe and gentle pediatric chiropractic adjustment allows your child’s nervous system to communicate freely so your kid can grow up well and enjoy his or her childhood!

Kids with optimally functioning nervous systems tend to have:

  • Better sleep

  • Diminished allergies

  • Elevated mood

  • Less Tantrums

  • Enhanced performance

  • Less sick days

  • Improvement in behavioral issues

  • Increased Connection

  • Improved Concentration

  • Less asthma

  • More calmness

  • Enjoyable school days

  • Increased body awareness

  • Easier adaptation to new or changing plans

Supporting children during these critical developmental years increases their expression of health and well-being for life. We’d love to partner with you to help your child grow up well.

Interested in attending one of our parent education classes to help your kid grow up well?

Common Conditions
We See

  • At Be Well Chiropractic, we understand the unique challenges children with ADHD face and the importance of a holistic approach to their care. Our neurologically based chiropractic care offers a promising solution for families seeking alternative options. Through gentle adjustments, we focus on correcting spinal misalignments that may disrupt nervous system function, potentially exacerbating ADHD symptoms. By optimizing spinal alignment and promoting proper nerve communication, our approach aims to enhance attention, focus, and behavior in children with ADHD. Additionally, our chiropractic care addresses the physical manifestations of stress and tension commonly experienced by these children, promoting relaxation and overall well-being. At Be Well Chiropractic, we are committed to providing compassionate and effective care that supports children on their journey toward better health and function. Let us help your child thrive with our neurologically based chiropractic approach to managing ADHD.

  • Our gentle and precise adjustments target spinal misalignments that may be disrupting the communication between the nervous system and the digestive system. By restoring proper nerve function, our chiropractic care helps facilitate regular bowel movements and relieve constipation in children. Additionally, our holistic approach focuses on reducing tension and promoting relaxation in the body, which can further support digestive health. At Be Well Chiropractic, we are committed to providing compassionate care that addresses the root cause of constipation, helping children achieve greater comfort and well-being. Let us guide your child toward relief and improved digestive function through our specialized chiropractic approach.

  • Bedwetting, a prevalent issue among children, is often met with inadequate support and understanding from conventional medical practitioners. At Be Well Chiropractic, we recognize the significance of this concern and offer effective solutions. Through our specialized approach, we've witnessed remarkable success in addressing bedwetting. We frequently identify neurological disruptions between the brain and body, hindering the proper recognition of bladder signals. Our neurologically based chiropractic care targets these interferences, restoring optimal communication pathways. By addressing the root cause, we empower the body and brain to recognize and respond to the urge to urinate appropriately. At Be Well Chiropractic, we provide compassionate and tailored care, ensuring children receive the support they need to overcome bedwetting and regain confidence in their bodily functions. Let us guide your child towards dry nights and improved well-being through our expertise and dedicated approach.

  • Within our bodies, there are two distinct branches of the nervous system: the rest and digest mode and the fight or flight response. For many children experiencing difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up cranky, it signals a disruption in their rest and digest mode activation. When this critical function is compromised, the body doesn't prioritize sleep effectively.

    As a neurologically based chiropractic office, we specialize in reactivating the rest and digest mode of the nervous system. This realignment often leads to noticeable improvements, with parents frequently observing significant changes in their child's sleep patterns. By addressing these underlying neurological imbalances, we empower children to experience more restful and rejuvenating sleep. At our practice, we're committed to helping children achieve optimal sleep and overall well-being through our targeted chiropractic approach.

  • Chiropractic care helps prevent pediatric sports injuries by improving musculoskeletal alignment, muscle balance, and core stability. Through gentle adjustments and targeted exercises, chiropractors optimize biomechanics and enhance athletic performance while reducing the risk of overuse injuries and falls. Additionally, chiropractors educate young athletes on injury prevention strategies specific to their sport and provide rehabilitation support in case of injury, promoting faster recovery and preventing recurrence. Overall, chiropractic care offers a proactive approach to keeping young athletes healthy, resilient, and performing at their best.

  • Chiropractic care plays a crucial role in addressing the dysregulated nervous system that contributes to a child's big emotions. Through gentle and precise adjustments, chiropractors focus on realigning the spine and correcting any subluxations that may be interfering with nervous system function.

    By restoring proper alignment, chiropractic care helps to regulate the communication between the brain and the body, facilitating a more balanced nervous system response. Specifically, chiropractic adjustments can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing the overactivation of the sympathetic nervous system associated with heightened stress responses.

    Moreover, chiropractic care can alleviate tension and muscular tightness that often accompany a dysregulated nervous system, further promoting relaxation and emotional well-being. As the body becomes more balanced and aligned, children experience a decrease in the intensity and frequency of big emotions, as well as an improvement in their ability to self-regulate and cope with stressors.

    Overall, chiropractic care provides a holistic approach to addressing the underlying factors contributing to emotional dysregulation in children. By promoting nervous system balance and alignment, chiropractic adjustments empower children to better manage their emotions and navigate life's challenges with greater ease and resilience.

  • Chiropractic care provides effective relief for body pain and growing pains in children by realigning the spine, relaxing muscles, and improving nerve function. Through gentle adjustments, chiropractors alleviate pressure on nerves and muscles, reducing discomfort associated with spinal misalignments. Additionally, chiropractic care addresses posture issues, which can contribute to pain, and offers personalized treatment plans tailored to each child's needs. By promoting proper spinal alignment and muscle relaxation, chiropractic care helps children experience improved comfort, mobility, and overall well-being.

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